万科中兴傲舍售楼处电话(万科中兴傲舍售楼处电话)-2024年万科中兴傲舍首页网站-万科中兴傲舍楼盘详情 /价格/户型
上海市(Shanghai),简称“沪”,别名“申”,是中华人民共和国直辖市,位于中国东部,地处长江入海口, 境域北界长江,东濒东海,南临杭州湾,西接江苏和浙江两省,总面积6340.5平方千米, 下辖16个区、106个镇。截至2022年末,全市常住人口2475.89万人, 上海话属吴语太湖片。 市政府驻地上海市黄浦区人民大道200号。
上海市地处长江三角洲冲积平原,地势坦荡低平, 属亚热带季风性气候,最大河流为黄浦江。早在6000年前,境域内就已有人类生活。唐天宝十年(公元751年),上海始有第一个建置县。至元二十九年(公元1292年),元朝政府批准设立上海县,标志着上海建城之始。直到1949年5月,上海市被列为中华人民共和国中央直辖市。
上海市是中国国际经济、金融、贸易、航运、科技创新中心,第三产业为其支柱产业,有着外贸物流、金融保险业、信息服务业、旅游业、房地产业和其他新兴服务业,成为拉动经济增长“主动力”。2021年,上海口岸贸易总额超10万亿元,为世界城市首位,并连续四年成功举办中国国际进口博览会,第四届展览面积达36.6万平方米、世界500强企业及行业龙头企业数量达281家。 截至2023年,全市生产总值47218.66亿元,人均消费支出52508元。
上海市是历史文化名城,拥有众多的历史古迹,有着非遗项目1114个、文物保护单位267处,包括沪剧、 江南丝竹、兴圣教寺塔等。另外,上海市也是中国主要旅游城市之一,有着国家级旅游景区138个,包括东方明珠广播电视塔、上海野生动物园等。
上海市位于太平洋西岸、亚洲大陆东沿,地处中国南北海岸中心点、长江和钱塘江入海汇合处, 介于东经120°52′~122°16′,北纬30°42′~31°48′之间,其北界长江、东濒东海、南临杭州湾、西接江苏和浙江两省, 市境南北长约120千米,东西宽约100千米。截至2022年末,全市面积共6340.5平方千米,占中国总面积的0.06%, 其中大陆岸线长约213千米,海域面积约1万平方千米
上海地处长江三角洲冲积平原,地势坦荡低平,平均海拔4米左右,并略呈东高西低之状,像微微倾斜的半个碟子,境内西部有天马山、佘山、薛山、凤凰山等残丘,号称“云间九峰”,其中天马山是境内陆上最高点,海拔98.2米;境内北面长江入海处有崇明、长兴、横沙、九段沙等岛屿,由长江挟带下来的泥沙冲积而成,其中崇明岛是中国第三大岛,海域上有大金山岛、小金山岛、浮山岛、佘山岛等基岩岛,皆为江口沙洲,其中大金山海拔103.70米,是上海境内最高点。 [38] [44]全境具有3种不同的地貌,即碟形洼地、碟缘高地、江口沙洲,其中最低点为西部淀山湖一带的淀泖洼地,海拔仅1~2米;泗泾、亭林、金卫一线以东的黄浦江两岸地区为碟缘高地,海拔4米左右;浦东钦公塘以东地区为滨海平原,海拔4~5米。
上海市地处长江入海口、太湖流域东缘,境内江、河、湖、塘相间,水网交织。 截至2022年,全市共有河道(湖泊)46822条(个),河道(湖泊)面积共652.9355平方千米,河湖水面率10.30%,其中河道46771条,长30397.66千米,面积577.4380平方千米,河网密度每平方千米4.79千米, 境内主要水域、河道有长江口、黄浦江及其支流大泖港、圆泄泾、斜塘和太浦河、拦路港,以及吴淞江、蕰藻浜、川杨河、淀浦河、大治河、金汇港、油墩港等。 [38]其中,黄浦江是上海市最大河流。境内还有着湖泊51个,面积75.4975平方千米,主要集中在与江苏、浙江交界的西部洼地,最大湖泊为淀山湖,而沿海水域包括河口、海湾、近海水域(通称长江口外水域)以及毗连的东海陆架部分水域、南黄海部分陆架,沿海0~-20米等深线范围内水域面积0.72万平方千米。全市可划分为14个水利片,合计面积为6158.62平方千米,占全市陆域总面积97.13%。
上海市(Shanghai),简称“沪”,别名“申”,是中华人民共和国直辖市,位于中国东部,地处长江入海口, 境域北界长江,东濒东海,南临杭州湾,西接江苏和浙江两省,总面积6340.5平方千米, 下辖16个区、106个镇。截至2022年末,全市常住人口2475.89万人, 上海话属吴语太湖片。 市政府驻地上海市黄浦区人民大道200号。
上海市地处长江三角洲冲积平原,地势坦荡低平, 属亚热带季风性气候,最大河流为黄浦江。早在6000年前,境域内就已有人类生活。唐天宝十年(公元751年),上海始有第一个建置县。至元二十九年(公元1292年),元朝政府批准设立上海县,标志着上海建城之始。直到1949年5月,上海市被列为中华人民共和国中央直辖市。
上海市是中国国际经济、金融、贸易、航运、科技创新中心,第三产业为其支柱产业,有着外贸物流、金融保险业、信息服务业、旅游业、房地产业和其他新兴服务业,成为拉动经济增长“主动力”。2021年,上海口岸贸易总额超10万亿元,为世界城市首位,并连续四年成功举办中国国际进口博览会,第四届展览面积达36.6万平方米、世界500强企业及行业龙头企业数量达281家。 截至2023年,全市生产总值47218.66亿元,人均消费支出52508元。
上海市是历史文化名城,拥有众多的历史古迹,有着非遗项目1114个、文物保护单位267处,包括沪剧、 江南丝竹、兴圣教寺塔等。另外,上海市也是中国主要旅游城市之一,有着国家级旅游景区138个,包括东方明珠广播电视塔、上海野生动物园等。
上海市位于太平洋西岸、亚洲大陆东沿,地处中国南北海岸中心点、长江和钱塘江入海汇合处, 介于东经120°52′~122°16′,北纬30°42′~31°48′之间,其北界长江、东濒东海、南临杭州湾、西接江苏和浙江两省, 市境南北长约120千米,东西宽约100千米。截至2022年末,全市面积共6340.5平方千米,占中国总面积的0.06%, 其中大陆岸线长约213千米,海域面积约1万平方千米
上海地处长江三角洲冲积平原,地势坦荡低平,平均海拔4米左右,并略呈东高西低之状,像微微倾斜的半个碟子,境内西部有天马山、佘山、薛山、凤凰山等残丘,号称“云间九峰”,其中天马山是境内陆上最高点,海拔98.2米;境内北面长江入海处有崇明、长兴、横沙、九段沙等岛屿,由长江挟带下来的泥沙冲积而成,其中崇明岛是中国第三大岛,海域上有大金山岛、小金山岛、浮山岛、佘山岛等基岩岛,皆为江口沙洲,其中大金山海拔103.70米,是上海境内最高点。 [38] [44]全境具有3种不同的地貌,即碟形洼地、碟缘高地、江口沙洲,其中最低点为西部淀山湖一带的淀泖洼地,海拔仅1~2米;泗泾、亭林、金卫一线以东的黄浦江两岸地区为碟缘高地,海拔4米左右;浦东钦公塘以东地区为滨海平原,海拔4~5米。
上海市地处长江入海口、太湖流域东缘,境内江、河、湖、塘相间,水网交织。 截至2022年,全市共有河道(湖泊)46822条(个),河道(湖泊)面积共652.9355平方千米,河湖水面率10.30%,其中河道46771条,长30397.66千米,面积577.4380平方千米,河网密度每平方千米4.79千米, 境内主要水域、河道有长江口、黄浦江及其支流大泖港、圆泄泾、斜塘和太浦河、拦路港,以及吴淞江、蕰藻浜、川杨河、淀浦河、大治河、金汇港、油墩港等。 [38]其中,黄浦江是上海市最大河流。境内还有着湖泊51个,面积75.4975平方千米,主要集中在与江苏、浙江交界的西部洼地,最大湖泊为淀山湖,而沿海水域包括河口、海湾、近海水域(通称长江口外水域)以及毗连的东海陆架部分水域、南黄海部分陆架,沿海0~-20米等深线范围内水域面积0.72万平方千米。全市可划分为14个水利片,合计面积为6158.62平方千米,占全市陆域总面积97.13%。
Shanghai Jing 'an Vanke Zhongxing Aoshe Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔
Jingan inner ring inside Xizang North Road plate
静安内环内 西藏北路板块
Vanke Jade Yabingli phase 4
Name 【 Vanke · Zhongxing Proud House 】
Building surface about 100-260 square meters 2-4 rooms
Linkage price 133,000 / flat, renderings and house map exposure
Now the exhibition hall has been opened for reception, the model room will be opened on August 17, and the opening will be in September
Vanke Zhongxing Proud House sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔
Shanghai Jing 'an Vanke Zhongxing Aoshe Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔
In terms of the facade, the whole project will be built as a new Shanghai architectural landmark, with curved balconies, 45-degree glass, double-layer tower crowns, etc., the design inspiration comes from the Manlou orchid;
In terms of facade tone, enamel color tones will be used, specifically pearl blue aluminum plate + red texture + gold line. The specific materials and color matching are still under discussion and confirmation.
In terms of the home movement line of the community, the entrance of the star-rated hotel is the Peninsula Hotel, and through the 12-meter-high entrance lobby, you can enter the community club, which has a botanic garden swimming pool, female-friendly gym (there will be more suitable for women's sports equipment, psychological counseling, nutrition advice) and so on.
上海市(Shanghai),简称“沪”,别名“申”,是中华人民共和国直辖市,位于中国东部,地处长江入海口, 境域北界长江,东濒东海,南临杭州湾,西接江苏和浙江两省,总面积6340.5平方千米, 下辖16个区、106个镇。截至2022年末,全市常住人口2475.89万人, 上海话属吴语太湖片。 市政府驻地上海市黄浦区人民大道200号。
上海市地处长江三角洲冲积平原,地势坦荡低平, 属亚热带季风性气候,最大河流为黄浦江。早在6000年前,境域内就已有人类生活。唐天宝十年(公元751年),上海始有第一个建置县。至元二十九年(公元1292年),元朝政府批准设立上海县,标志着上海建城之始。直到1949年5月,上海市被列为中华人民共和国中央直辖市。
上海市是中国国际经济、金融、贸易、航运、科技创新中心,第三产业为其支柱产业,有着外贸物流、金融保险业、信息服务业、旅游业、房地产业和其他新兴服务业,成为拉动经济增长“主动力”。2021年,上海口岸贸易总额超10万亿元,为世界城市首位,并连续四年成功举办中国国际进口博览会,第四届展览面积达36.6万平方米、世界500强企业及行业龙头企业数量达281家。 截至2023年,全市生产总值47218.66亿元,人均消费支出52508元。
上海市是历史文化名城,拥有众多的历史古迹,有着非遗项目1114个、文物保护单位267处,包括沪剧、 江南丝竹、兴圣教寺塔等。另外,上海市也是中国主要旅游城市之一,有着国家级旅游景区138个,包括东方明珠广播电视塔、上海野生动物园等。
上海市位于太平洋西岸、亚洲大陆东沿,地处中国南北海岸中心点、长江和钱塘江入海汇合处, 介于东经120°52′~122°16′,北纬30°42′~31°48′之间,其北界长江、东濒东海、南临杭州湾、西接江苏和浙江两省, 市境南北长约120千米,东西宽约100千米。截至2022年末,全市面积共6340.5平方千米,占中国总面积的0.06%, 其中大陆岸线长约213千米,海域面积约1万平方千米
上海地处长江三角洲冲积平原,地势坦荡低平,平均海拔4米左右,并略呈东高西低之状,像微微倾斜的半个碟子,境内西部有天马山、佘山、薛山、凤凰山等残丘,号称“云间九峰”,其中天马山是境内陆上最高点,海拔98.2米;境内北面长江入海处有崇明、长兴、横沙、九段沙等岛屿,由长江挟带下来的泥沙冲积而成,其中崇明岛是中国第三大岛,海域上有大金山岛、小金山岛、浮山岛、佘山岛等基岩岛,皆为江口沙洲,其中大金山海拔103.70米,是上海境内最高点。 [38] [44]全境具有3种不同的地貌,即碟形洼地、碟缘高地、江口沙洲,其中最低点为西部淀山湖一带的淀泖洼地,海拔仅1~2米;泗泾、亭林、金卫一线以东的黄浦江两岸地区为碟缘高地,海拔4米左右;浦东钦公塘以东地区为滨海平原,海拔4~5米。
上海市地处长江入海口、太湖流域东缘,境内江、河、湖、塘相间,水网交织。 截至2022年,全市共有河道(湖泊)46822条(个),河道(湖泊)面积共652.9355平方千米,河湖水面率10.30%,其中河道46771条,长30397.66千米,面积577.4380平方千米,河网密度每平方千米4.79千米, 境内主要水域、河道有长江口、黄浦江及其支流大泖港、圆泄泾、斜塘和太浦河、拦路港,以及吴淞江、蕰藻浜、川杨河、淀浦河、大治河、金汇港、油墩港等。 [38]其中,黄浦江是上海市最大河流。境内还有着湖泊51个,面积75.4975平方千米,主要集中在与江苏、浙江交界的西部洼地,最大湖泊为淀山湖,而沿海水域包括河口、海湾、近海水域(通称长江口外水域)以及毗连的东海陆架部分水域、南黄海部分陆架,沿海0~-20米等深线范围内水域面积0.72万平方千米。全市可划分为14个水利片,合计面积为6158.62平方千米,占全市陆域总面积97.13%。
上海市(Shanghai),简称“沪”,别名“申”,是中华人民共和国直辖市,位于中国东部,地处长江入海口, 境域北界长江,东濒东海,南临杭州湾,西接江苏和浙江两省,总面积6340.5平方千米, 下辖16个区、106个镇。截至2022年末,全市常住人口2475.89万人, 上海话属吴语太湖片。 市政府驻地上海市黄浦区人民大道200号。
上海市地处长江三角洲冲积平原,地势坦荡低平, 属亚热带季风性气候,最大河流为黄浦江。早在6000年前,境域内就已有人类生活。唐天宝十年(公元751年),上海始有第一个建置县。至元二十九年(公元1292年),元朝政府批准设立上海县,标志着上海建城之始。直到1949年5月,上海市被列为中华人民共和国中央直辖市。
上海市是中国国际经济、金融、贸易、航运、科技创新中心,第三产业为其支柱产业,有着外贸物流、金融保险业、信息服务业、旅游业、房地产业和其他新兴服务业,成为拉动经济增长“主动力”。2021年,上海口岸贸易总额超10万亿元,为世界城市首位,并连续四年成功举办中国国际进口博览会,第四届展览面积达36.6万平方米、世界500强企业及行业龙头企业数量达281家。 截至2023年,全市生产总值47218.66亿元,人均消费支出52508元。
上海市是历史文化名城,拥有众多的历史古迹,有着非遗项目1114个、文物保护单位267处,包括沪剧、 江南丝竹、兴圣教寺塔等。另外,上海市也是中国主要旅游城市之一,有着国家级旅游景区138个,包括东方明珠广播电视塔、上海野生动物园等。
上海市位于太平洋西岸、亚洲大陆东沿,地处中国南北海岸中心点、长江和钱塘江入海汇合处, 介于东经120°52′~122°16′,北纬30°42′~31°48′之间,其北界长江、东濒东海、南临杭州湾、西接江苏和浙江两省, 市境南北长约120千米,东西宽约100千米。截至2022年末,全市面积共6340.5平方千米,占中国总面积的0.06%, 其中大陆岸线长约213千米,海域面积约1万平方千米
上海地处长江三角洲冲积平原,地势坦荡低平,平均海拔4米左右,并略呈东高西低之状,像微微倾斜的半个碟子,境内西部有天马山、佘山、薛山、凤凰山等残丘,号称“云间九峰”,其中天马山是境内陆上最高点,海拔98.2米;境内北面长江入海处有崇明、长兴、横沙、九段沙等岛屿,由长江挟带下来的泥沙冲积而成,其中崇明岛是中国第三大岛,海域上有大金山岛、小金山岛、浮山岛、佘山岛等基岩岛,皆为江口沙洲,其中大金山海拔103.70米,是上海境内最高点。 [38] [44]全境具有3种不同的地貌,即碟形洼地、碟缘高地、江口沙洲,其中最低点为西部淀山湖一带的淀泖洼地,海拔仅1~2米;泗泾、亭林、金卫一线以东的黄浦江两岸地区为碟缘高地,海拔4米左右;浦东钦公塘以东地区为滨海平原,海拔4~5米。
上海市地处长江入海口、太湖流域东缘,境内江、河、湖、塘相间,水网交织。 截至2022年,全市共有河道(湖泊)46822条(个),河道(湖泊)面积共652.9355平方千米,河湖水面率10.30%,其中河道46771条,长30397.66千米,面积577.4380平方千米,河网密度每平方千米4.79千米, 境内主要水域、河道有长江口、黄浦江及其支流大泖港、圆泄泾、斜塘和太浦河、拦路港,以及吴淞江、蕰藻浜、川杨河、淀浦河、大治河、金汇港、油墩港等。 [38]其中,黄浦江是上海市最大河流。境内还有着湖泊51个,面积75.4975平方千米,主要集中在与江苏、浙江交界的西部洼地,最大湖泊为淀山湖,而沿海水域包括河口、海湾、近海水域(通称长江口外水域)以及毗连的东海陆架部分水域、南黄海部分陆架,沿海0~-20米等深线范围内水域面积0.72万平方千米。全市可划分为14个水利片,合计面积为6158.62平方千米,占全市陆域总面积97.13%。
Shanghai Jing 'an Vanke Zhongxing Aoshe Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔
Jingan inner ring inside Xizang North Road plate
静安内环内 西藏北路板块
Vanke Jade Yabingli phase 4
Name 【 Vanke · Zhongxing Proud House 】
Building surface about 100-260 square meters 2-4 rooms
Linkage price 133,000 / flat, renderings and house map exposure
Now the exhibition hall has been opened for reception, the model room will be opened on August 17, and the opening will be in September
Vanke Zhongxing Proud House sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔
Shanghai Jing 'an Vanke Zhongxing Aoshe Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔
In terms of the facade, the whole project will be built as a new Shanghai architectural landmark, with curved balconies, 45-degree glass, double-layer tower crowns, etc., the design inspiration comes from the Manlou orchid;
In terms of facade tone, enamel color tones will be used, specifically pearl blue aluminum plate + red texture + gold line. The specific materials and color matching are still under discussion and confirmation.
In terms of the home movement line of the community, the entrance of the star-rated hotel is the Peninsula Hotel, and through the 12-meter-high entrance lobby, you can enter the community club, which has a botanic garden swimming pool, female-friendly gym (there will be more suitable for women's sports equipment, psychological counseling, nutrition advice) and so on.
1. What is real estate: Short for house property rights.
2, What is real estate: refers to land property.
3, What is real estate: It is a general term for real estate and real estate.
4, what is the real estate industry: engaged in real estate development, construction, operation, management and maintenance, decoration and service of the comprehensive industry.
5. What is real estate development? It refers to the activities of infrastructure and housing construction in accordance with the requirements of the nature of the use of the land obtained according to law.
6, what is land development: It is the development of "raw land" into land available for use.
7, collective land refers to: rural collectively owned land.
8. Expropriation of land means that the State may expropriate collectively-owned land in accordance with the law in order to meet the needs of the public interest.
9. What is land ownership? It refers to the power of the state or collective economic organizations to possess, use, benefit and dispose of state land and collective land according to law.
10, What is the transfer of land use rights: refers to the state in the way of agreement, bidding, auction of land ownership in a certain number of years to the land user, the user pays the land use rights to the state.
11, what is the transfer of land use rights: refers to the land user through the sale, exchange, gift and inheritance of land use rights transfer behavior.
12, what is the cadastre, property: is a general term for all kinds of charts, documents and other registration information generated in the process of real estate investigation and registration, after sorting, processing, classification and formation of maps, files, cards, books and other information.
13. Raw land refers to land that does not have the conditions for development.
14, ripe land refers to: has completed three roads and one level (water, electricity, roads, land leveling) or seven roads and one level, with the development conditions of the land.
15, What is a lot: It is the smallest unit of the cadastre, which refers to the closed land consisting of tenure boundaries.
16, what is a map: is the land use contract and real estate registration card attached to the map. It reflects the basic conditions of a lot. It includes: the boundary of the title of the lot, the location of the boundary point, the location and nature of the building in the lot, and the relationship with the adjacent lot.
17. The attached drawing of the certificate refers to the attached drawing behind the real estate, which mainly reflects the real estate situation and the lot in which the real estate is located.
18, what is property management: generally refers to all related to real estate development, operation, commercial housing sales, leasing and after-sales service.
19, What is the owners committee: It is an organization that represents all owners in the property management area to implement autonomous management. Be representative of
The legal rights and interests of all property owners are protected by the law of the State.
20. How the owners' committee is formed: It is elected by the owners' assembly from all the owners.
21, the housing subsidy refers to: the state for workers to solve the housing problem and give subsidies.
22, the ownership of the house refers to: the right to the full control of the house.
23, the two main forms of real estate transactions are: real estate transactions and real estate transactions.
24, building refers to: artificially constructed houses and structures.
25, structure refers to: building in addition to the house of things.
26, what is the future house: it refers to the commercial housing that consumers do not have to buy when they buy.
27, how is the proposed housing set: real estate developers get commercial housing pre-sale license to obtain real estate rights certificate or completion acceptance can be directly used).
28, what is the pre-sale contract: the sales contract signed by the consumer when buying the off-plan house.
29, what is the existing house: it refers to the commercial housing that consumers can live in when they buy, that is, the developer has completed the large-scale production certificate of the commercial housing sold (or has been completed and accepted and delivered for use).
30, what is the blank house: the real estate company delivered the house only the door frame without the door, the wall and the ground only do the basic treatment without the surface treatment of the room is called the blank house.
31, what is the finished house: refers to the wall, ceiling, door cover, floor decoration.
32, What is commercial housing: it refers to the house sold to buyers at the full market price.
33, the pre-sale of commercial housing refers to: before the real estate has not been built, the real estate dealer will sell the house to the buyer after obtaining a certain amount of deposit.
34, commercial housing sale refers to: refers to the real estate development enterprises to complete the acceptance of the commercial housing sold to the buyer.
35, second-hand housing usually refers to: the housing that is bought and sold again.
36, affordable housing refers to: ordinary housing for low - and middle-income families.
37, examples of more than 3 types of housing: quasi-cost housing, full cost housing, full cost of small profit housing and social small profit housing.
38, the introduction of low-rise housing: 1-3 floors of housing.
39, multi-storey residential design: 4-6 storey residential.
40, small high-rise residential design: 7-11 floors of residential.
41, medium and high-rise residential designation: 12-16 floors of residential.
42, high-rise residential design: more than 16 floors for high-rise residential.
43, the definition of super high-rise buildings: the total height of more than 100 meters of buildings.
44, the structure of commercial housing refers to: the construction technology and materials used by the main body of the house.
45, steel structure means: the main load-bearing structure is built with steel materials, including suspension structure.
46, the meaning of steel-concrete structure is: the main load-bearing structure is built with steel and concrete.
47, brick and wood structure means: the main load-bearing structure is built with brick and wood.
48, the meaning of brick-concrete structure is: mainly brick wall bearing, part of the steel plate concrete bearing structure.
49, the meaning of the frame structure is: to cast reinforced concrete into load-bearing beams and columns, and then use prefabricated partition wall household structure.
50. Open space refers to the actual distance between the positioning axis of one wall and the positioning axis of the other wall in a house.
51. Depth refers to the actual length between the positioning axis of the front wall and the positioning axis of the back wall in a separate house or a residential building.
52, the height refers to: the distance between the lower floor or floor to the upper floor level.
53. Net height refers to the distance between the upper surface of the lower floor and the lower surface of the upper floor.
54, floor area refers to: the total area of the land.
1 mu is equal to about how many square meters: 666.66 square meters
56, the total land of residential areas refers to the sum of land: the total land of residential buildings, the total land of public building facilities, the sum of roads, squares, courtyards and green land.
57, the total residential land refers to: the total area of residential land.
58, the total land for public construction refers to: the total area of public buildings inside the community.
59. Determination of the building land area: the horizontal projection area of the construction land location and the land enclosed by the boundary.
60, the building base area refers to the building area of the first floor of the building.
61, the height of the building refers to the total height of the outdoor ground plane of the building to the top of the external wall.
62, the base area of the house refers to: the base area of the house refers to the outer horizontal projection area above the bottom of the building.
63, the road area refers to: the total area of the road with a width greater than 1.5 meters in the community.
64. Square area refers to the sum of parking, carriage return square and paved ground area.
65, courtyard, green area refers to: concentrated green belts in the community, small parks, and public activity places for all residents of the community to use the total green area.
66, rockery, small pool is not counted as courtyard, green area: yes.
67, the per capita total floor area (㎡ / person) calculation formula: per capita total floor area = the total land use in the building red line ÷ the total number of residents planned for this district.
68, per capita residential land area (㎡ / person) calculation formula: per capita residential land area = total residential land in the community ÷ the total number of residents planned in the community.
69. The total construction area refers to the total area of residential buildings, public buildings and civil air defense basements in the community.
70, air defense basement is not included in the total construction area: Yes
71, residential building area refers to: the sum of the plane area of each layer measured by the outer line of the external wall of the residential building.
72, a set of building area refers to: the overall area of a house.
73, the composition of a set of building area is: the building area within the set and the set of shared public building area
74, building (building) refers to: an independent, including different structures and different levels of the house.
75, the elevated house refers to: generally for the bottom of the elevated, with columns as load-bearing support of the house.
76, Mezzanine refers to: located between the two natural floors of the floor, refers to the local level of the internal space of the house.
77, the technical layer means: used as a local level of water, electricity, heating, health and other equipment installation.
78, the technical layer height above the number of calculated layers: 2.20 meters above the number of calculated layers.
79, the structural conversion layer refers to: the upper and lower parts of a building are different because of the plane use function, the upper and lower parts of the floor adopt different structural types, and the structural conversion through the floor, the floor is called the structural conversion layer.
80, jump type housing refers to: a house occupies two floors, connected by the indoor stairs, the upper and lower floors are completely separated.
81, attic refers to: the use of the upper space in the house to add a floor.
82, the attic height above the calculation area: 2.20 meters above.
83, the number of upper floors refers to: that is, the number of natural floors of the house, refers to the number of floors above 2.20 meters according to the floor structure layer of the indoor floor ±0.00.
84, the number of the upper layer of the ground with what number: natural numbers.
85. The number of underground floors refers to the number of basement floors whose lighting Windows are below the outdoor floor and whose indoor height is above 2.20 meters.
86, the number of underground layers with what number: negative.
87, the total number of floors of the house refers to the sum of the number of upper floors and underground floors of the house.
88, the number of underground floors is not counted in the total number of floors of the house: count.
89. Give examples of more than 3 building levels that are not included in the total number of floors of the house: false floors, mezzanines, attics, decorative towers, stairwells, and water tanks.
90, colonnade refers to: a roof and pillars for people to pass the building, called a column corridor, referred to as the colonnade.
91, arcade refers to: the bottom is a colonnaded room, the corridor above the building is built as part of the building.
92, the corridor refers to: refers to the second floor above the housing wall, there is an envelope structure, no pillar with a roof outside the corridor.
93, porch refers to: a roof in front of the building, a pillar or envelope access.
94, the door bucket refers to: the physical wall that supports the front of the building is called the door bucket.
95, the eaves refers to: the house under the eaves at both ends of the support wall without columns of the passage.
96, the canopy refers to: that is, the canopy, with a transparent canopy covered roof.
What is also called: terrace.
98, the terrace refers to: for outdoor activities of the human roof or the bottom of the ground extended out of the outdoor with maintenance of no roof.
99, balcony refers to: there is a permanent cover, there is an envelope, there is a table, connected to the house, can be used for people activities or house ancillary facilities.
100, the classification of balconies are: closed balcony and semi-closed balcony.
101, closed balcony refers to: in the fence, the wall with aluminum alloy glass Windows and other enclosed balcony.
102, how to calculate the area of the closed balcony: all calculation of the building area.
103, semi-closed balcony refers to: in addition to the fence, the wall is not enclosed balcony.
104, semi-enclosed balcony area how to calculate: calculate half of the building area.
105, the staircase refers to: refers to the building between the floor for vertical traffic passage,
106, outdoor stairs refers to: rely on the building outside the wall to build a permanent staircase.
107, the roof stairwell refers to: protruding the roof of the house with a roof cover, surrounded by an enclosure structure, the height of 2.20 meters or more for roof maintenance or safety exit.
108, the roof stairwell does not count the total height: no.
109, roof elevator room: refers to the prominent house roof, the height of more than 2.20 meters, for parking, maintenance, elevator use.
110, the roof elevator room does not count the total height: no.
111, equipment room refers to: a building to place a variety of application equipment and integrated wiring handover of the house.
112, the meaning of the functional area is: according to the use of the common building parts and divided into the scope of services called functional areas.
113. A corridor is a corridor connecting two houses.
114. A connected building is a building that connects two houses.
115, street floor refers to: the bottom part of the passage of the building.
116, the overhead corridor refers to: refers to the houses at both ends as support, there is an envelope structure, there is no pillar overhead passage.
117, the envelope structure refers to: the space is vertically divided into relatively independent, not easy to pass two or more parts of the entity, play an isolation role.
118. Do walls and railings count as enclosures: Yes.
119, the base area refers to: the total area of a community.
120. Spacing refers to the distance between the contour lines of the building plane.
121, the proportion of the national spacing standard is: floor height: spacing = 1:1.2.
122, the national sunshine standard is: more than 2 living Spaces at the bottom of the cold day full window continuous sunshine is not less than 1 hour, all day to meet 2 hours.
123, the structural area refers to: the total area of the external wall, internal wall, column and other structural components in the building.
124. The common area refers to the total area occupied by the public corridors, stairs, elevator rooms, etc. set up in the residential building for the convenience of the residents and normal communication.
125, how the common area is apportioned: according to the size of the building or the number of units, the ratio is apportioned.
126. The construction area within the set refers to the construction area within the set door.
127. The building area within the set includes: the use area within the set, the wall area within the set and the balcony building area.
128, the use of the area within the suite refers to: refers to the area used by the household alone.
129. The calculation of the use area in the set includes: the sum of the net area of the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room, inner walkway, balcony, wall cabinet, etc.
130. The area of the inner wall refers to the area occupied by the maintenance or load-bearing wall or other load-bearing support body around the space used in the inner wall.
131. Calculation of the inner wall area: all.
132, according to how much the dividing wall between the sets is included in the wall area of the set: half.
133, how much is the partition wall of the set and the public building space included in the wall area of the set: half.
134, how many external walls are included in the wall area of the set: half.
135, how much the free wall inside the set is included in the area of the wall inside the set: all.
136, the balcony construction area refers to the horizontal projection area between the balcony periphery and the outer wall of the house.
137, the public building area refers to: the property rights of the main body jointly occupied or common use of the building area, refers to each set (unit) for the common use of each household, indivisible building area.
138. Plot ratio refers to the ratio of the total construction area and the planned construction area within the scope of the project's planned construction land.
139, the total construction area of a project is 64,000 square meters, covers an area of 40 acres, how much is the plot ratio: 2.4
140, building density, also known as: building coverage.
141. Building density refers to the sum of all base areas within the scope of project land and the ratio of planned construction land.
142. Calculation formula of gross population density: Gross population density = total number of residents in the community ÷ area occupied in the community.
143, the average cost per square meter (yuan) : the average cost per square meter = the total cost of the building ÷ construction area.
144, the use area coefficient K1 (%) : the use area coefficient = the total use area (square meters) ÷ the total construction area (square meters) ×1